The Pink Hair Color Wave

The Pink Hair Color Wave

Pink hair color is oh so here! With an increase in popularity we haven’t seen since 2000 when we first saw Pink sing. And whether someone is 10yrs or 60 everyone seems to be asking for some form of Pink hair color, how cool is this? In fact if I think of soft pastels first color that pops into my head is cloud-pink.
One of the exciting approaches for this spring I am encouraging some of my blonde clients to do is to add a little blush of soft pink even if it is on a small strand of hair hiding underneath. There are many variations of pinks to choose from now with Aveda's thrilling new  Pure Pigments the costomization is endless. Something I like to do is to pair pink up with  a hint of  soft violet, these two tones on blonde hair looks stunning and gets better as they fade.
I feel that there is a place today in our markets to do exciting and sometimes eye-popping hair colors and what I am hearing and seeing are the requests are coming in from all sorts of backgrounds, everyday people like business women, mothers, students etc. I so often hear from hairdressers that they are bored of doing highlights after highlights or tints and I always say "plant that seed of change" not only for your clients but for you as well, you would be surprised how many of your own clients would love a burst of change here is an opportunity.

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