Smokey Platinum Blonde

Smokey Platinum Blonde

I often say ‘if it wasn’t for blondes and grey hair I wouldn’t have a job’, thank god I do! And for some time now we haven’t really seen any spotlight on “Blonde” per say nor a trend on bleach blonde hair until now. The new platinum blonde generation that will start emerging this next season is stunning and sassy; the look is an arid more dusty-powdery slate smokiness undertone to it which I call Angel Blonde. To me there are a couple of technical twists I do or add to ensure that my Bleach and Tone is going to be the desired end result we want. And in my experience I have noticed that hairdressers are far too hasty in the process of removing the product off the head fear perhaps. Trick 1; just when you are absolutely sure the bleaching process is done literally give it another 5 to 10 minutes longer, remembering that the product is white and tricks our eye and most important nothing debilitating will happen to the hair with a little extra time.

The other observation is that there is a tendency to just think that the toner chosen is going to do the job with the BRASS, logic is as well in Art if there is any yellow left it will oxidize muddy, lifeless, hence why a double process client comes back in looking a little Blah. Trick 2; less is best, try to tone hair with Color Conditioners, Universal Gloss with pigment or simply in most cases when that double process is perfect and even into an ivory tone (no Yellow) you do absolutely nothing to the hair accept conditioner. The natural oxidization of the environment, particles in the air, water etc. will grey it out naturally however they always go home with a color conditioner Aveda Blue Malva or Black Malva. After a week the client comes in to see you and at this point is when a Universal Gloss plus pigment all-over toner is applied. This way whatever the hair has picked up any deposits, residues the toner (gloss) will take care of it as well as deposit a strong or whisper of whatever undertone both you and client choose.

Platinum Blonde is a classic when done right and history has proven through decades that it still draws the attention this spring let’s Angel up some hair  

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